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Mar 02 2016

Prison Foster Programs

Across the country, programs such as Purrfect Pals are popping up to introduce foster programs into prisons. The goal of the program is to have a caring environment for the cats to learn to socialize while waiting for adoption and to teach offenders responsibility.

These programs are highly beneficial to the cats that go through fostering. Once the cats are back at the program’s shelter or are adopted, they are highly socialized. Without this socialization, some kittens wouldn’t be adopted due to how shy or how temperamental they may be.

While being fostered, some programs require offenders to keep a diary of their day to day activities with the felines to help monitor any changes. This prevents the cats from becoming ill or neglected, and keeps the offenders accountable for their actions; many inmates that are not in the program help to monitor the care of the felines as well.

These programs give a second chance to both the cats and inmates; without each other, they would lose hope and not be able to contribute to society.

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