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Aug 24 2016

National Immunization Awareness Month

One of the most important things you can do for your furry friend is protect them from preventable diseases! This is one of the many important steps to take in order to lead to a long and healthy life and, may prevent unnecessary veterinary bills in the future. Peace of mind is worth the cost of regular vet visits and immunizations.

Many people ask “How do vaccines work?”

  • Vaccines contain small quantities of altered or “killed” viruses, bacteria, or other disease-causing organisms that stimulate your pet’s immune system to produce antibodies.

“Why should I vaccinate my dog or cat?”

  • During the first few weeks after birth, your dog or cat receives disease-fighting cells and proteins, which are referred to as antibodies, in the mother’s milk. After this period, vaccines are needed to protect your pet from disease.

“When do you recommend starting vaccines?”

  • We recommend starting vaccines at 6 to 7 weeks of age as long as the veterinarian deems your pet healthy enough to receive the vaccine. All immunizations should be given by a licensed veterinarian and should be accompanied by an exam; your pet being in good health is important! By giving a vaccine, we are asking the animal’s immune system to amount a response and if they are not fit to produce this response, the vaccine will not be as effective.

Still have questions? Don’t be afraid to ask! Being consumer intelligent is an important part of owning a pet. Your veterinarian team is there to answer your questions and educate you about what is best for your animal.

Please also be aware that not all vaccines are created equal! A “distemper” vaccine at one veterinary facility may be different than the “distemper” vaccine at another facility, for both cats and dogs. This is where being consumer intelligent can save you the hassle of finding out later on that your pet is not fully protected. Ask your veterinarian what brand and what diseases are covered in each vaccine that your pet receives and what diseases are common in your area. Always do your research!

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