Even if you never let your pet outside, you can open the door for intestinal parasites. Fleas transmit tapeworms. Water or soil (even commercially prepared potting soil) can be contaminated with worm eggs. Mice and other prey transmit parasites. Worm eggs may be brought into the home by other pets and people. If you interact with someone else’s pet or visit a park, you can bring intestinal parasites into your home on your shoes and clothing. Contact with toys, gardening tools, and sandboxes are examples of how easily people may become infected with worms.
Intestinal parasites not only pose a threat to your pet friend, but also to you. The issue has been addressed by the Companion Animal Parasitic Council (CAPC) http://www.capcvet.org/ and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/healthypets. Guidelines have been created for strategic deworming of pets on a regular schedule as to minimize human risk, especially children. The CDC estimate more than 10,000 cases of human infection with roundworms in the U.S. each year.
Fleas and ticks are more than mere nuisances. They cause distress in dogs and cats and, more importantly, they cause disease. By the time you see fleas on a pet, the fleas have injected salivary proteins, transmitted infectious agents and begun laying eggs. Ticks can transmit disease agents to a dog or cat before the pests are found and removed. With modern pharmaceuticals, there is no reason for any pet to endure these external parasites.
Your pet is at risk from hearworms which cause a potentially deadly infection of the heart and lungs. Mosquitoes transmit heartworm larvae from infected animals to others. Signs include coughing, difficulty breathing, and sluggishness. Fortunately heartworm disease is 100% preventable.
Not all parasite preventions are created equal. We will inform you and keep you abreast of the safest, most effective options so that you can have peace of mind for the health of your entire family. We will customize our recommendations based on your pet’s lifestyle, environment, and overall health.
The Doctors at All Creatures Veterinary Hospital in Seneca Falls take parasite prevention very seriously for your protection. Microscopic and antibody stool testing, blood testing for heartworm and tick diseases and skin exams including cytologic evaluation are a routine part of your pet’s healthcare.
All of our flea, tick, heartworm and intestinal parasite preventatives are by prescription only. If you have any questions on if your pet(s) are up to date or need anything in order to receive these products, please contact us.